The Lighthouse

Pentecostal Church. Christian College. Christian Academy.




After many years of sacrifice for Christian education by the late Eli Perez 
Sr. & Digna Perez, as a way to honor them, we have created  an 
Education Fund in their names.  100% of all money raised will go directly 
to the Lighthouse Christian Academy & College and will be used at the 
discretion of the Administration.

Contributions can be made by cash, check or credit. Make all checks 
payable to: Lighthouse Christian Academy.  Please remember to write 
"Perez Education Fund" in the notes so that we can track the amount given.

All contributions are tax deductible.
Thank you for your generosity and may God richly bless you.
                                                                              - The Perez Family


Copyright. 2024. The Lighthouse.